Free Pony Bead Patterns: Beading Q And A (10/12/2011)
Helen asks…

Pony Bead Patterns
Where can I buy books with pony bead patterns?
I just got interested in pony bead patterns and I’m not having much luck finding good ones on line. Does anyone know where I can buy books with a bunch of pony bead patterns in it?
BeadGal answers:
There are so many patterns available for downloading that a book (which will have a limited number of patterns) is difficult to find. Http://
Donna asks…
Where On The Web Can I Find Indian Pony Bead Patterns And Other Patterns With Pony Beads?
They’re Those Big Beads.
Lisa asks…
Free pony bead patterns?
Snoopy-like pony bead pattern
BeadGal answers:
Pony bead pattern generator:
(Snoopy and Woodstock)
Laura asks…
What are good links to get free pony bead animal patterns?
BeadGal answers:
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