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Free Bead Loom Pattern: Beading Q And A (9/25/2011)

2011 September 25

Helen asks…

Bead Loom

Bead Loom

Where can I find bead loom patterns?

BeadGal answers:

There are countless books available. In the interest of saving money, I’d start with a search at the local library.

You might also check the gallery or pattern galleries at the following sites:

I’d also suggest Bead and Button magazine, they frequently have loom patterns amongst their pages. Many other bead publications will also have patterns published.

Beading has become so popular, the options are really astounding. A search could render a plethora of options. It’s also great fun to design your own. You can do this with either a beading program for your computer or just manually with graph paper.

Needlepoint patterns also work, as needlepoint is worked in full stitches and therefore translates well to beads. I have purchased countless needlepoint books for this very reason. You can also use some cross stitch patterns, provided they have no backstitching or blending. The newer, computer generated, patterns are best in this regard. For this you might check Ebay.

Happy beading!

Lisa asks…

Where can I find free software for designing bead patterns?

I am looking for a free program that will let me design bead patterns for a bead loom. I don’t want a demo and I need to be able to save and print. I have been told that some cross stitch programs will work but haven’t found one yet.

BeadGal answers:

Cross stitch software produced patterns usually translate over pretty accurately for the bead loom- I’ve beaded a few pieces using cross stitch patterns!

I did see a free program for bead loom drafting a while back but the software is no longer available and I have deleted it from my computer because I didn’t like it- what I do when drafting a loom pattern on the computer is to copy paste a loom work graph pattern (just the grid- you can download these from quite a few sites!) into paint and then just ‘fill’ the boxes with colour. It’s time consuming but I really prefer to draft my patterns onto hard copy first and them copy them to the computer when I want to keep or share one.

Mary asks…

Where can I find a bead loom pattern for a charmed symbol and a pentacle?

BeadGal answers:

The triquetra (charmed symbol) was actually easy to find, I was rather surprised as I had always done that as peyote stitch:

The pentacle was HARD to find, I eventually hit the jackpot with embroidery patterns, this is the ONLY one I could find that would go on the loom.


Again this is a symbol I usually do in peyote stitch.

Maria asks…

What is the best way to thread a bead loom?

I love bead looming with Delica and Toho beads and making pretty patterns and the like… But the most frustrating thing for me is threading the loom to make my projects. What is the best way to go about cutting and stringing the loom?

Because, I often end up with some threads being too tight, or some being too loose. Or they are just generally tangled and not very neat at the base of the knots. How do I keep it organized and neat? Since this is my only frustration with bead looming.


BeadGal answers:

What I do is once I figure out how long each thread needs to be (for example, 22 inches), I just measure once and then fold at the 22″ mark. I keep on doing that until I have enough threads. Then I cut the thread and tie a knot at one end and cut the ends on the other end. When I put the threads on the loom, I put the knot in the notch at the top end, bring the other end of the threads over the loom so they’re tight, and I wrap it around the other notch so it won’t move. Then I turn the knobs on the sides until the threads are nice and tight.

Susan asks…

Where can I find some free printable off the loom beading patterns/projects online?

Could someone please help, I would greatly appreciate it!!!!

BeadGal answers:

Hope this is what your looking for:


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