Beading Q And A: Jewelry Making Ideas (8/19/2011)
Betty asks…
What is a good book for making jewelry and giving me ideas on making them?
One that shows what to order.
BeadGal answers:
There are hundreds of them. The best thing to do would be to pick up a couple of copies of some of the magazines out there, like Bead & Button and Beadwork, and there are dozens of other specialty magazines. They all have sources for the beads they use, and all kinds of ads and coupons for catalogs. There are also lots of on-line catalogs that give you patterns and plenty of ideas, like Fire Mountain. has a beading section also, and there are lots of other web sites. Just type in making bead jewelry in search and you’ll find all kinds of ideas. Your local bead store can help you also.
If you really enjoy books, we have put together a list of recommended books through Amazon:
Ruth asks…
Does anyone know of any sites where you can get ideas for making your own jewelry?
Michael’s craft store is having a sale on their jewelry stuff and I want to make something, but I’m drawing a blank. I don’t really know what the popular trends are right now. Any help I could get would be great. Thank you!
BeadGal answers:
I’ve learned a lot here:
Trends? Then go to any store and see what’s being displayed or just look at the ads in the Sunday paper, or take a look at what your friends are wearing. You’ll be inspired in no time and start making pretty art to wear!
Hope this helps!
Donna asks…
I’m interested in exchanging ideas with people who are interested in jewelry making?
Whether they’re just starting out, or well into the hobby. I would say that my level of involvement is at a beginners stage. But I have a boat load of supplies accumulated. Seriously, a lot of beads. I would love to see some of the work that people have found, or made themselves. So many of the designs that I find in the books are horrid. Thanks! P.S. if you know of any good websites that are free and provide instructions please let me know.
BeadGal answers:
If you check your local library, especially a downtown one, for a lot of designs that are easy and hard. Michael’s and other craft stores sell a lot of design books.
I found though, the best designs come from people not books. Try to find a local class or fair and ask the pro’s for some how-to’s and favorite designs. Take those and add your own twist.
Check your local bead store to see if they have a girls-night-out or bead club where women can get together, work on their projects, share ideas, etc. Many stores have these, sort of like a “quilting-bee” or a “crop-night”.
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